Anmeldelse: Riley Jenson Guardian #1: Full Moon Rising

  • Titel: Full Moon Rising
  • Serie: Riley Jenson Guardian #1: Full Moon Rising
  • Forfatter: Keri Arthur
  • Antal Sider: 357
  • Udgivelse: 2006
  • Sprog: Engelsk
  • Originalsprog: Engelsk
  • Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranomal Romance
  • Forlag: Piatkus
  • ISBN: 9780749938130
  • Læst: 3. August til 7. August

In this exciting debut, author Keri Arthur explodes onto the supernatural scene with a sexy, sensuous tale of intrigue and suspense set in a world where legends walk and the shady paths of the underworld are far more sinister than anyone envisioned.

A rare hybrid of vampire and werewolf, Riley Jenson and her twin brother, Rhoan, work for Melbourne’s Directorate of Other Races, an organization created to police the supernatural races–and protect humans from their depredations. While Rhoan is an exalted guardian, a.k.a. assassin, Riley is merely an office worker–until her brother goes missing on one of his missions. The timing couldn’t be worse. More werewolf than vampire, Riley is vulnerable to the moon heat, the weeklong period before the full moon, when her need to mate becomes all-consuming.…

Luckily Riley has two willing partners to satisfy her every need. But she will have to control her urges if she’s going to find her brother….Easier said than done as the city pulses with frenzied desire, and Riley is confronted with a very powerful–and delectably naked–vamp who raises her temperature like never before.

In matters carnal, Riley has met her match. But in matters criminal, she must follow her instincts not only to find her brother but to stop an unholy harvest. For someone is doing some shifty cloning in an attempt to produce the ultimate warrior–by tapping into the genome of nonhumans like Rhoan. Now Riley knows just how dangerous the world is for her kind–and just how much it needs her.

Jeg var noget mere begejstret for den her bog end jeg havde regnet med at være. Jeg synes ikke jeg har været super heldig med det urban fantasy jeg har læst de sidste par år, og jeg leder jo et eller andet sted stadig efter den næste serie der fanger mig som True Blood eller Black Dagger Brotherhood gjorde og den her er faktisk en rigtig god kandidat synes jeg.

Det gode:

  • Jeg var hooked mere eller mindre fra første side. Vi bliver introduceret til Riley med det samme, historien starter med et brag, og den er spændende hele vejen igennem.
  • Riley er alle tiders hovedperson. Hun er mega sej or virkelig badass, og så elskede jeg at hun er helt åben og har det helt fint med sex. Hun elsker det, og som halvt varulv er det også en del af den hun er at blive påvirket af moon heat – og hun skammer sig overhovedet ikke over det. Jeg elsker det, you go girl! Hun er også smart og modig, og står fast på det hun tror på og på sine ønsker – basically, hun er fierce og jeg elskede det.
  • Der er romance, men det reelle plot er et krimimysterie. Rileys bror er forsvundet, og hendes søgen efter ham leder til et mysterie om forsvundne agenter, kloner, krydsninger mellem de forskellige skifter-racer og meget mere, og jeg elskede det! Jeg synes det var spændende og creepy, og det var fuld af uforudsete twists.
  • De knalder vildt meget i den her bog, og jeg levede for det! Jeg elsker en god, sexet paranormal romance, og det er præcis det man får her. Det er hot, det er sexet, og minder lidt om Black Dagger Brotherhood på den front.
  • Jeg kunne godt lide alle bipersonerne, jeg synes de havde liv og personlighed, og især kunne jeg vældig godt lide Jack.
  • Jeg synes worldbuildingen var god. Det hele hang fint sammen og gav mening.

Det knap så gode:

  • Hen mod slutningen er der nogle scener som faktisk er voldtægt, moon heat or no, og det var lidt ubehageligt at læse. Især fordi Riley virkelig ikke har lyst til det her, men hendes instinkter tager over og der er intet hun kan gøre, og den kamp er hård at læse.
  • Riley har en stalker, og han var nok lige en tand for ekstrem.
  • Det er lidt anstrengende at alle er sååååå vilde med Riley og bare vil knalde hende. Ja, hun er sexet, we get it, men det behøver altså ikke være sådan at alle kaster sig for hendes fødder.
  • Det her er måske en detalje, men pigen på coveret passer overhovedet ikke med den kropstype bogen beskriver Riley har, og det synes jeg var virkelig nederen.

Overall, så var den her bog bare virkelig god. Jeg elskede den langt hen ad vejen, jeg fløj igennem dem og glædede mig til at læse videre hver gang jeg måtte lægge den fra mig. Jeg ser frem til mere Riley i næste bog, mere sex og til at finde ud af mere om den verden vi befinder os i i den her serie.

Genanmeldelse (Lydbog): Everlife #1: Firstlife

  • Titel: Firstlife
  • Serie: Everlife #1
  • Forfatter: Gena Showalter
  • Tid: 12 timer 17 minutter
  • Udgivelse: 2016
  • Sprog: Engelsk
  • Originalsprog: Engelsk
  • Genre: YA Science Fiction
  • Forlag: Harlequin
  • ISBN: 9781488201134

I’ve been told history is written by survivors. But I know that isn’t always true. My name is Tenley Lockwood, and very soon, I’ll be dead. This is my story—but the end is only the beginning.

Tenley “Ten” Lockwood has spent the past thirteen months locked inside the Prynne Asylum. She’s earned her rep as the craziest of crazies, but that doesn’t stop the torture. Ten can leave, but only if she allows her parents to choose where she’ll live—after she dies.

There is an eternal truth most of the world has come to accept: Firstlife is merely a dress rehearsal, and real life begins after death.

In the Everlife, two realms are in power: Troika and Myriad, longtime enemies and deadly rivals. Both will do anything to recruit Ten, including sending their top Laborers to lure her to their side. Soon, Ten finds herself on the run, caught in a wild tug-of-war between the boy she’s falling for and the realm she wants to support. Who will she choose? Can she stay alive long enough to make a decision?

Oprindelig anmeldelse her.

Den her bog læste jeg tilbage i 2016 da den udkom, og husker den som virkelig god. Jeg kom aldrig videre i serien, men da jeg så fandt den danske oversættelse af alle tre bøger i Bilka sidste år til sølle 30 kroner, så købte jeg dem. Jeg endte med at høre den engelske udgave på lydbog, for jeg kunne ikke finde den på lydbog på dansk.

Jeg synes stadig worldbuildingen er meget unik, og siden 2016 er jeg heller ikke stødt på noget der bare tilnærmelsesvis minder om den her. Jeg kunne godt have tænkt mig at vide mere om de tre realms, men jeg fornemmer at det kommer i de næste bøger. In any case var det stadig unikt og spændende.

Tenley er stadig fierce og en fantastisk hoveperson. Hun er badass men uden at være led og samvittighedsløs, og det synes jeg er fedt. Jeg kan godt lide at hun holder på sin ret til at vælge selv.

Dengang syntes jeg de trak Tenleys valg i langdrag, fordi det er SÅ tydeligt næsten fra starten hvilket realm hun tilhører. Det samme følte jeg den her gang, bare mere udtalt. At nogen overhovedet overvejer Myriad er mig en gåde. I hvert fald bliver valget trukket lige lovlig meget i langdrag.

Romancen føler jeg ingenting for. Det er endnu mere udtalt denne her gang, fordi Killian lyver og bedrager, tager beslutninger på Tenleys vegne og gør hvad som helst for at tvinge hende til at signe med Myriad, og det er bare ikke i orden. Jeg synes ikke der var noget som helst tiltalende ved ham.

Omkring de 60% begyndte jeg lidt at tabe interessen, fordi jeg synes det hele blev trukket i langdrag, og jeg synes Killian var en led idiot. Jeg begyndte at space lidt ud når jeg lyttede, og havde egentlig ikke den vilde trang til at læse videre. Det var kun virkelig spændende når det handlede om Many Ends, eller når der blev afsløret plottwists.

Overall var jeg nok ikke helt så vild med den som da jeg læste den første gang, men den var god, og jeg er stadig interesseret i at læse videre.

DNF: Intertwined #1: Intertwined

  • Titel: Intertwined
  • Serie: Intertwined #1
  • Forfatter: Gena Showalter
  • Antal Sider: 440
  • Udgivelse: 2009
  • Sprog: Engelsk
  • Originalsprog: Engelsk
  • Genre: Paranormal Romance
  • Forlag: Mira Ink
  • ISBN: 9780778304074
  • DNF: Cirka side 200

There’s something about the new guy at Crossroads High…

Most sixteen-year-olds have friends. Aden Stone has four human souls living inside him:

One can time travel.
One can raise the dead.
One can possess another human.
One can tell the future.

Everyone thinks he’s crazy, which is why he’s spent his entire life shuffled between mental institutions and juvie. All of that is about to change, however. For months Aden has been having visions of a beautiful girl—a girl who carries centuries-old secrets. A girl who will either save him or destroy him.

Together they’ll enter a dark world of intrigue and danger… but not everyone will come out alive.

Den her bog har stået ulæst på min reol siden 2014 eller sådan noget, og efter at have lavet et opslag på instagram om de bøger der har stået længst ulæst på min reol – hvor den her var en af dem – besluttede jeg at give den et skud. Den var virkelig ikke særlig god, og omkring halvvejs gav jeg simpelthen op.

Det gode:

  • Konceptet omkring hovedpersonen er virkelig godt, det er friskt og spændende og fungerer generelt rigtig godt. Hovedpersonen Aden har fire sjæle boende i sig, som alle sammen taler til ham – derfor er han endt på diverse psykiatriske hospitaler og bosteder for unge med problemer, fordi han jo går og taler med sig selv (omverdenen ved jo ikke noget om de her sjæle)
  • Jeg kunne godt lide Aden.
  • Jeg kunne også godt lide den del der handler om at Aden gerne vil være normal, og dynamikken med de andre unge på bostedet.

Det knap så gode:

  • Det viser sig at bogen også har en anden hovedperson, en pige, og hun har bare ingen personlighed overhovedet. Hun er i den grad en mary sue, og hun er bare så intetsigende og kedelig.
  • Pigen oplever noget mærkeligt med en ulv, og næsten med det samme tænker hun at det må være en varulv, selvom hun overhovedet ikke ved at der findes overnaturlige væsener. Det synes jeg ikke var særlig troværdigt.
  • Hele plottet med vampyrprinsessen var virkelig åndssvagt. Hun har ingen personlighed og skulle forestille at være mystisk og farlig – jeg synes bare det var kedeligt.
  • Der var nærmest ingen worldbuilding.
  • De her fire sjæle indeni Aden har åbenbart nogle forskellige evner, men det kommer aldrig i spil. Vi ser aldrig noget til de ting de kan.
  • Jeg kedede mig, dialogen føltes opstillet og kunstig, og ingen udover Aden havde den mindste snert af personlighed.
  • Jo længere ind i bogen jeg kom, jo mere rullede jeg med øjnene og synes det hele var ret åndssvagt.

Bogen kunne måske have fungeret fint med kun Aden som hovedperson, men halvvejs måtte jeg altså opgive fordi jeg simpelthen ikke havde lyst til at læse videre. Jeg kedede mig noget så forfærdeligt.

Anmeldelse: The Wormwood Trilogy #1: Rosewater

  • Titel: Rosewater
  • Serie: The Wormwood Trilogy #1
  • Forfatter: Tade Thompson
  • Antal Sider: 390
  • Udgivelse: 2017
  • Sprog: Engelsk
  • Originalsprog: Engelsk
  • Genre: Science Fiction
  • Forlag: Orbit
  • ISBN: 9780356511368

Tade Thompson’s Rosewater is the start of an award-winning, cutting edge trilogy set in Nigeria, by one of science fiction’s most engaging new voices.

Rosewater is a town on the edge. A community formed around the edges of a mysterious alien biodome, its residents comprise the hopeful, the hungry and the helpless—people eager for a glimpse inside the dome or a taste of its rumored healing powers.

Kaaro is a government agent with a criminal past. He has seen inside the biodome, and doesn’t care to again—but when something begins killing off others like himself, Kaaro must defy his masters to search for an answer, facing his dark history and coming to a realization about a horrifying future.

Hvis jeg skulle beskrive den her bog med ét ord, så ville det være syret – på den gode måde. Vidste jeg hvad jeg gik ind til da jeg startede på den? Nej. Var den god? Ja, men den første halvdel var væsentlig bedre end den sidste. Hvad indeholder denne bog? Tankelæsning, rejser mellem dimensioner, aliens, mystiske helende kræfter, zombier, shady government business, mystiske hændelser, folk der forsvinder, et tankekunivers og meget, meget mere.

Det gode:

  • Den her bog er exceptionelt velskrevet. Man kan mærke at hvert eneste ord er velovervejet, og det fungerer så godt.
  • Man følger tre forskellige tidslinjer, og det spillede bare det meste af bogen igennem. Vi følger Kade i hans ungdom og omkring Rosewaters oprindelse, vi følger ham gennem nogle af de missioner nogle år senere som bliver definerende for hans karakter og for det der sker i nutiden, som er den sidste tidslinje vi følger. Det fungerer kanongodt, og jeg havde ikke problemer med at holde styr på tidslinjerne før til sidst i bogen. Det giver følelsen af at historiens små puslespilsbrikker langsomt samles, og det hele går op i en højere enhed.
  • Mange har beskrevet historien som fascinerende, og det er præcis det den er. Den er så unik og man bliver meget hurtigt opslugt.
  • Settingen er Nigeria i år 2066, og er en own-voice-historie. Verden er helt anderledes efter noget fra det ydre rum slog ned midt i London, og der er lidt dystopisk post-apokalypse-agtigt over det. Jeg elskede det, jeg har aldrig læst en historie der foregår i Nigeria (og jeg har heller ikke været der selv), men forfatteren får kulturen og den måde man lever på til at virke troværdig, og jeg elskede det.
  • Jeg har det ambivalent med Kaaro. Generelt kunne jeg godt lide ham, han er en meget anderledes hovedperson, og har en helt anden måde at tænke på end så mange andre karakterer jeg er stødt på gennem årene. Han er meget unik og på den måde også fascinerende, men han havde også nogle knap så gode sider.

Det knap så gode:

  • Begyndelsen var meget forvirrende. De første 30-40 sider fattede jeg ingenting, det var først da det gik op for mig at Kade kan læse tanker og minder at jeg begyndte at kunne forstå hvad der foregik.
  • Historien taber lidt pusten i den sidste halvdel, og det hele bliver lige en tand for mærkeligt. Det var her jeg begyndte at tabe interessen lidt, fordi det var svært at holde styr på de tre tidslinjer og alle de mærkelige ting der skete. Det hele bliver lidt for syret, og der bliver sat gang i lidt for mange plotlinjer – og da der så kommer noget ind over der minder om rejser til andre dimensioner, så blev det for alvor kompliceret.
  • Romancen følte jeg ikke rigtig noget for. Aminat er fierce, men jeg følte slet ikke nogen connection mellem hende og Kaaro.
  • Kaaros dårlige sider inkluderer at være temmelig sexcistisk og egoistisk ind imellem, og det havde jeg det lidt stramt med.
  • Hvad skete der for de mærkelige sexscener i Xenospheren? Det var bare bizart.

Overall, så var jeg virkelig godt underholdt under det meste af bogen. Det var spændende og anderledes end noget andet jeg har læst, og den var utrolig velskrevet og virkelig gennemtænkt. Men den var også mærkelig, og når jeg nu kan se at næste bog ikke har Kaaro men Aminat som hovedperson, så føler jeg mig ikke helt overbevist om at jeg kommer til at læse videre.

Anmeldelse: Mellem Linjerne

  • Titel: Mellem Linjerne
  • Serie: –
  • Forfatter: Jennifer Echols
  • Antal Sider: 367
  • Udgivelse: 2016
  • Sprog: Dansk
  • Originalsprog: Engelsk
  • Originaltitel: Love Story
  • Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
  • Forlag: Tellerup
  • ISBN: 9788758819877

Erin er lige startet på universitetet
hvor hun forfølger sin drøm om at blive forfatter.
Drømmen har dog allerede haft sin pris,
for da hun nægtede at videreføre familiens hestefarm,
blev hun gjort arveløs.

Erin må nu klare sig uden en krone på lommen,
og endnu værre går det
da hun skriver en romance baseret på Hunter, en fyr hjemmefra,
og han begynder på hendes skrivehold
netop som de skal til at diskutere hendes historie.

For Hunter har stjålet langt mere end Erins hjerte.
Han er også den nye arving til den farm og formue,
der egentlig var hendes.

Erin har tusind gode grunde til at hade ham,
men det er svært at føle sig frastødt
når man egentlig føler sig tiltrukket.

Den eneste grund til at den her får to stjerner og ikke kun én er, at jeg faktisk havde lidt svært ved at slippe den i perioder. Jeg kunne pludselig sidde og have læst 100 sider uden at have opdaget det, selvom jeg virkelig ikke synes den var særlig god.

Det gode:

  • Historien formåede på en eller anden måde at holde mig fanget, så jeg pludselig havde læst 100 sider uden at opdage det, selvom jeg virkelig ikke synes om den.
  • Jeg kunne egentlig godt lide Erins personlighed. Hun har nogle issues, men generelt kunne jeg virkelig godt lide at hun havde ben i næsen og gerne ville klare sig selv, og var villig til at leve af kopnudler for at få råd til college.
  • Jeg elskede historiens baggrundshistorie. Erins bedstemor ejer en hestefarm og er stinkende rig, men hun vil have Erin til at læse økonomi og ledelse på universitetet og overtage farmen – og det vil Erin ikke. Hun vil være forfatter, og det får så bedstemoren til at slå hånden af hende og nægte at betale for hendes uddannelse. Erin forsøger altså at klare sig selv på kopnudler og med mange timers arbejde.
  • Scenerne med hestene og væddeløbsbanen elskede jeg.

Det knap så gode:

  • For det første, så deltager Erin i en creatve writing-klasse på universitetet, fordi hun jo gerne vil være forfatter. Det indebærer (sjovt nok) at få sine tekster kritiseret af andre, og det kan hun bare slet ikke håndtere. Hun tror, at hendes historier er perfekte, og derfor må alle andre jo også synes de er perfekte. Det her er en kæmpe pet peeve hos mig, jeg kan ikke udstå forfattere der bliver sure og nederen over en dårlig anmeldelse – hør her, litteratur er en smagssag, og du kan ikke forvente at alle vil elske det du skriver, punktum.
  • Jeg synes det var lidt træls at selve forelskelsen egentlig allerede er sket da historien starter. Vi ser dem ikke falde for hinanden eller lære hinanden at kende, i stedet starter historien et sted hvor de begge to kender hinanden og har knuste hjerter.
  • Hvad skete der lige for slutningen? Det var jo slet ikke en slutning? Der bliver ikke forløst noget som helst. Der bliver aldrig noget opgør med bedstemoren, og det giver ingen mening. Al den spændingsopbygning, og så sker der ingenting? Vi aner heller ikke hvad det blev til med Hunter og Erin.
  • Hunter er en modbydelig idiot. Jeg følte intet for romancen, for jeg kunne ikke udstå Hunter. Han er led, arrogant og nedladende, og han behandler Erin virkelig dårligt – hvorfor? Fordi hun er rig. Han dømmer hende hele tiden fordi hun er rig (eller rettere, var rig), og det har han fandeme ingen ret til. Hun kan jo ikke gøre for at hun blev født rig og han ikke gjorde, sådan er det ligesom bare. Hunter er jaloux på tidspunkter han slet ikke burde være jaloux, han lyver og snyder og bedrager Erin hele tiden, men åh, det er jo okay fordi han er fattig og mener det godt. Ej nej altså.
  • Hunter og Erin ender med at have sex, og her knækker filmen fuldstændig for mig. Erin har lige fundet ud af at han snyder og bedrager hende og lyver stolpe op og stolpe ned, men hun går i seng med ham alligevel, og siger bagefter at hun ‘udnyttede’ ham. Føj, Erin.
  • Inde i historien har vi så også Hunter og Erins historier. Vi får simpelthen lov til at læse de historier der i deres Creative Writing-timer skaber så meget røre. Idéen er god, men det fungerede overhovedet ikke. Det er rodet og kedeligt.
  • I det hele taget er romancen og spændingen mellem Hunter og Erin bare virkelig træls. Det hele trækkes i langdrag og det kører i ring igen og igen. Det er som en telenovela i bogform. Der sker egentlig ikke rigtig noget. I
  • I det hele taget føles historien rodet og forceret.

Den her bog var ikke et hit, og jeg har ellers læst flere bøger af Jennifer Echols som jeg virkelig godt kunne lide. Den her fungerede ikke for mig, og jeg ved med sikkerhed at jeg aldrig kommer til at læse den igen. Jeg var virkelig sur over slutningen, som egentlig ikke er noget slutning, og der kommer aldrig nogen forløsning på noget som helst.

Nye Udgivelser August 2021 – De Engelske

Udgivelsesdatoer kan variere lidt mellem US og UK/EU. Nogle af udgivelserne er en del af serier, og kan indeholde spoilers fra de tidligere bøger. Genren er angivet ud fra Goodreads, eftersom bøgerne ikke er udkommet endnu og jeg derfor ikke selv har læst dem. 

Titel: The Woods Are Always Watching | Serie: – | Forfatter: Stephanie Perkins | Genre: YA Thriller | Udgivelse: 31. August

New from bestselling author Stephanie Perkins, and the perfect companion to her New York Times bestseller There’s Someone Inside Your House, soon to be a Netflix feature.

Bears aren’t the only predators in these woods.

Best friends Neena and Josie spent high school as outsiders, but at least they had each other. Now, with college and a two-thousand-mile separation looming on the horizon, they have one last chance to be together—a three-day hike deep into the woods of the Pisgah National Forest.

Simmering tensions lead to a detour off the trail and straight into a waking nightmare … and then into something far worse. Something that will test them in horrifying ways.

Stephanie Perkins, the bestselling author of There’s Someone Inside Your House, returns with a heart-stopping, gut-wrenching novel about friendship, survival, and navigating unmarked paths even as evil watches from the shadows.

Titel: The Desert Prince | Serie: Nightfall Saga #1 | Forfatter: Peter V. Brett | Genre: Fantasy | Udgivelse: 3. August

A brand-new epic fantasy adventure set in the beloved world of the Demon Cycle, following a new generation of heroes, from New York Times bestselling author Peter V. Brett

Fifteen years have passed since the end of the war with demons, creatures of darkness who have hunted the night and plagued humanity since time out of mind. The heroes of humanity’s hour of need have become legend, and those who remain struggle to escape their shadows.

Olive Paper and Darin Bales have grown up in this new peaceful world. Demons have been all but destroyed, but dangers still lurk for the children of heroes.

Olive, Princess of Hollow, has her entire life planned out by her mother, Duchess Leesha Paper: a steady march on a checklist to prepare her for succession. The more her mother writes the script, the more Olive rails against playing the parts she is assigned.

Darin faces challenges of a different kind. Though free to choose his own path, the weight of legacy hangs heavy around his shoulders. It isn’t easy being the son of the man people say saved the world. Everyone expects greatness from Darin, but the only thing he’s ever been great at is hiding.

But when Olive and Darin step across the wards one night, they learn the demons are not all gone, and those that remain hunger for revenge. Events are set in motion that only prophecy can foresee as Olive and Darin seek to find their own places in the world in time to save it again.

Titel: Rise Up From The Embers | Serie: Set Fire to the Gods #2 | Forfatter: Sarah Raasch | Genre: YA Fantasy | Udgivelse: 10. August

Avatar: The Last Airbender meets Gladiator in the conclusion of this exciting and fast-paced epic duology about two elemental gladiators whose powers could determine the fate of the world in an ancient war between immortals and humans—from Sara Raasch, the New York Times bestselling author of the Snow Like Ashes series, and Kristen Simmons, acclaimed author of Pacifica and The Deceivers. Perfect for fans of An Ember in the AshesAnd I Darken, and The Winner’s Curse.

Two gods are dead. The Mother Goddess has returned. War is rising.

Fleeing war-ravaged Deimos, Ash and Madoc sail across the ocean to their only possible allies: the water and plant gods. But when Anathrasa attacks on the way, Ash leaps to the defense—by using a power she didn’t know she had.

When Madoc made the fire and earth gods mortal, he inadvertently transferred their magic to Ash. Now, if Ash can get energeias from the other four gods, she would be powerful enough to end Anathrasa once and for all.

But not all the gods want the Mother Goddess defeated. To stop her, Madoc will have to become the obedient son his mother always wanted, and Ash will have to take a merciless place among the gods.

To defeat an immortal, Ash and Madoc must fight like gods—even if it means sacrificing their humanity.

Titel: The Pariah | Serie: The Covenant of Steel #1 | Forfatter: Anthony Ryan | Genre: Fantasy | Udgivelse: 24. August

From the international best-selling author of the Raven’s Shadow and Draconis Memoria series comes the spectacular first novel in an all-new epic fantasy trilogy.

Born into the troubled kingdom of Albermaine, Alwyn Scribe is raised as an outlaw. Quick of wit and deft with a blade, Alwyn is content with the freedom of the woods and the comradeship of his fellow thieves. But an act of betrayal sets him on a new path – one of blood and vengeance, which eventually leads him to a soldier’s life in the king’s army.

Fighting under the command of Lady Evadine Courlain, a noblewoman beset by visions of a demonic apocalypse, Alwyn must survive war and the deadly intrigues of the nobility if he hopes to claim his vengeance. But as dark forces, both human and arcane, gather to oppose Evadine’s rise, Alwyn faces a choice: can he be a warrior, or will he always be an outlaw?

Titel: The Sisters of Reckoning | Serie: The Good Luck Girls #2 | Forfatter: Charlotte Nicole Davis | Genre: YA Fantasy, Western, LGBT | Udgivelse: 10. August

The Sisters of Reckoning is the blockbuster sequel to Charlotte Nicole Davis’s alternate Old West-set commercial fantasy adventure.

The Good Luck Girls are free. Aster’s sister and friends have new lives across the border in Ferron, while Aster remains in Arketta, helping more girls escape. But news of a new welcome house opening fills Aster with a need to do more than just help individual girls. And an unexpected reunion gives her an idea of how to do it. From there, grows a wildly ambitious plan to free all dustbloods, who live as prisoners to Arketta’s landmasters and debt slavery.

When Clementine and the others return from Ferron, they become the heart of a vibrant group of fearless fighters, working to unite the various underclasses and convince them to join in the fight. Along the way, friendships will be forged, lives will be lost, and love will take root even in the harshest of circumstances, between the most unexpected of lovers.

But will Arketta’s dustbloods finally come into power and freedom, or will the resistance just open them up to a new sort of danger?

Titel: A Lesson in Vengeance | Serie: – | Forfatter: Victoria Lee | Genre: YA Fantasy, Thriller, LGBT | Udgivelse: 3. August

For fans of Wilder Girls and Ninth House comes a dark, twisty, atmospheric thriller about a boarding school haunted by its history of witchcraft and two girls dangerously close to digging up the past.

Felicity Morrow is back at Dalloway School.

Perched in the Catskill mountains, the centuries-old, ivy-covered campus was home until the tragic death of her girlfriend. Now, after a year away, she’s returned to graduate. She even has her old room in Godwin House, the exclusive dormitory rumored to be haunted by the spirits of five Dalloway students—girls some say were witches. The Dalloway Five all died mysteriously, one after another, right on Godwin grounds.

Witchcraft is woven into Dalloway’s history. The school doesn’t talk about it, but the students do. In secret rooms and shadowy corners, girls convene. And before her girlfriend died, Felicity was drawn to the dark. She’s determined to leave that behind her now; all Felicity wants is to focus on her senior thesis and graduate. But it’s hard when Dalloway’s occult history is everywhere. And when the new girl won’t let her forget.

It’s Ellis Haley’s first year at Dalloway, and she’s already amassed a loyal following. A prodigy novelist at seventeen, Ellis is a so-called “method writer.” She’s eccentric and brilliant, and Felicity can’t shake the pull she feels to her. So when Ellis asks Felicity for help researching the Dalloway Five for her second book, Felicity can’t say no. Given her history with the arcane, Felicity is the perfect resource.

And when history begins to repeat itself, Felicity will have to face the darkness in Dalloway–and in herself.

Titel: Redemptor | Serie: Raybearer #2 | Forfatter: Jordan Ifueko | Genre: YA Fantasy | Udgivelse: 17. August

The hotly anticipated sequel to the instant New York Times bestselling YA fantasy about Tarisai’s quest to change her fate

For the first time, an Empress Redemptor sits on Aritsar’s throne. To appease the sinister spirits of the dead, Tarisai must now anoint a council of her own, coming into her full power as a Raybearer. She must then descend into the Underworld, a sacrifice to end all future atrocities.

Tarisai is determined to survive. Or at least, that’s what she tells her increasingly distant circle of friends. Months into her shaky reign as empress, child spirits haunt her, demanding that she pay for past sins of the empire.

With the lives of her loved ones on the line, assassination attempts from unknown quarters, and a handsome new stranger she can’t quite trust . . . Tarisai fears the pressure may consume her. But in this finale to the Raybearer duology, Tarisai must learn whether to die for justice . . . or to live for it.

Titel: The Witch Haven | Serie: – | Forfatter: Sasha Payton Smith | Genre: YA Fantasy, Historical Fiction | Udgivelse: 31. August

The Last Magician meets The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy in this thrilling and atmospheric historical fantasy following a young woman who discovers she has magical powers and is thrust into a battle between witches and wizards.

In 1911 New York City, seventeen-year-old Frances Hallowell spends her days as a seamstress, mourning the mysterious death of her brother months prior. Everything changes when she’s attacked and a man ends up dead at her feet—her scissors in his neck, and she can’t explain how they got there.

Before she can be condemned as a murderess, two cape-wearing nurses arrive to inform her she is deathly ill and ordered to report to Haxahaven Sanitarium. But Frances finds Haxahaven isn’t a sanitarium at all: it’s a school for witches. Within Haxahaven’s glittering walls, Frances finds the sisterhood she craves, but the headmistress warns Frances that magic is dangerous. Frances has no interest in the small, safe magic of her school, and is instead enchanted by Finn, a boy with magic himself who appears in her dreams and tells her he can teach her all she’s been craving to learn, lessons that may bring her closer to discovering what truly happened to her brother.

Frances’s newfound power attracts the attention of the leader of an ancient order who yearns for magical control of Manhattan. And who will stop at nothing to have Frances by his side. Frances must ultimately choose what matters more, justice for her murdered brother and her growing feelings for Finn, or the safety of her city and fellow witches. What price would she pay for power, and what if the truth is more terrible than she ever imagined?

Titel: Dark and Shallow Lies | Serie: – | Forfatter: Ginny Myers Sain | Genre: YA Fantasy, Thriller | Udgivelse: 31. August

A teen girl disappears from her small town deep in the bayou, where magic festers beneath the surface of the swamp like water rot, in this chilling debut supernatural thriller for fans of Natasha Preston, Karen McManus, and Rory Power.

La Cachette, Louisiana, is the worst place to be if you have something to hide.

This tiny town, where seventeen-year-old Grey spends her summers, is the self-proclaimed Psychic Capital of the World–and the place where Elora Pellerin, Grey’s best friend, disappeared six months earlier.

Grey can’t believe that Elora vanished into thin air any more than she can believe that nobody in a town full of psychics knows what happened. But as she digs into the night that Elora went missing, she begins to realize that everybody in town is hiding something – her grandmother Honey; her childhood crush Hart; and even her late mother, whose secrets continue to call to Grey from beyond the grave.

When a mysterious stranger emerges from the bayou – a stormy-eyed boy with links to Elora and the town’s bloody history – Grey realizes that La Cachette’s past is far more present and dangerous than she’d ever understood. Suddenly, she doesn’t know who she can trust. In a town where secrets lurk just below the surface, and where a murderer is on the loose, nobody can be presumed innocent–and La Cachette’s dark and shallow lies may just rip the town apart.

Titel: The Endless Skies | Serie: – | Forfatter: Shannon Price | Genre: YA Fantasy | Udgivelse: 17. August

High above the sea, floats the pristine city of the Heliana. Home to winged-lion shapeshifters―the Leonodai―and protected from the world of humans by an elite group of warriors, the Heliana has only known peace.

After years of brutal training, seventeen-year-old Rowan is ready to prove her loyalty to the city and her people to become one of the Leonodai warriors. But before Rowan can take the oath, a deadly disease strikes the city’s children. Soon the warriors―including two of Rowan’s closest friends―are sent on a dangerous mission to find a fabled panacea deep within enemy lands.

Left behind, Rowan learns a devastating truth that could compromise the mission and the fate of the Heliana itself. She must make a decision: stay with the city and become a warrior like she always dreamed, or risk her future in an attempt to save everyone she loves. Whatever Rowan decides, she has to do it fast, because time is running out, and peace can only last so long…

Titel: House of Eclipses | Serie: – | Forfatter: Casey L. Bond | Genre: YA Fantasy | Udgivelse: 13. August

Capture his heart.
Steal his crown.

Noor is the unwanted, unloved third born of the Aten, chosen vessel of the sun goddess, Sol. While she has no chance at inheriting her father’s title, what she truly longs for is peace from his unrelenting hatred. Hope builds that she may finally be able to claim that reprieve when a missive arrives from the House of the Moon.

The new Lumin, chosen of the moon god, Lumos, seeks to broker peace with the Kingdom of Helios for the first time in ages. He envisions open trade routes and an end to archaic rivalries. His dedication to this cause extends to visions of a union between the two families by marrying one of Aten’s daughters, if one of the matches is a fit.

Driven by his own twisted agenda, Noor’s father is willing to sacrifice his daughters as pawns to steal the crown for him to further his despotic reign, pitting sister against sister in a brutal battle for power. But Noor must come out the victor, either by capturing the Lumin’s heart or stealing his crown. For whomever wears the crown of moonlight, holds the power of the moon itself. With such strength at her command, she could finally defeat her tyrannical father.

Yet this endeavor cannot be accomplished without great sacrifice. As Noor learns more about Lumin Caelum, guilt over her betrayal consumes her, burning hot as the sun itself. If only he wasn’t kind, and selfless, and exactly what she wanted. If only she had greater dominion over her heart…

Can Noor carry out her plan and end her father’s vile reign? Or will unlikely alliances allow a new day to dawn?

Praise for House of Eclipses:
“A gorgeous journey you’ll want to take again and again.” ~New York Times bestselling author, Wendy Higgins

“Stunning world-building, a fierce heroine, gorgeous writing, and a storyline unlike anything you’ve ever read. House of Eclipses will pull you in until the very last page.” – Celia McMahon, author of The Unspoken Series

“House of Eclipses is full of compelling characters, beautiful worlds full of whimsy and wonder, an edge-of-your-seat storyline, a love story for the ages, and an ending that packs in incredible punch.” – Ethan Gregory, One Guy’s Guide to Good Reads

Titel: Forestborn | Serie: Forestborn #1 | Forfatter: Elayne Audrey Becker | Genre: YA Fantasy, LGBT | Udgivelse: 31. August


Rora is a shifter, as magical as all those born in the wilderness–and as feared. She uses her abilities to spy for the king, traveling under different guises and listening for signs of trouble.

When a magical illness surfaces across the kingdom, Rora uncovers a devastating truth: Finley, the young prince and her best friend, has caught it, too. His only hope is stardust, the rarest of magical elements, found deep in the wilderness where Rora grew up–and to which she swore never to return.

But for her only friend, Rora will face her past and brave the dark, magical wood, journeying with her brother and the obstinate, older prince who insists on coming. Together, they must survive sentient forests and creatures unknown, battling an ever-changing landscape while escaping human pursuers who want them dead. With illness gripping the kingdom and war on the horizon, Finley’s is not the only life that hangs in the balance.

Titel: Secrets in the Mist| Serie: Skyworld #1 | Forfatter: Morgan L. Busse | Genre: YA Fantasy, Steampunk | Udgivelse: 10. August

What’s lurking in the Mist is the least of their worries…

In a world where humanity lives in the sky to escape a deadly mist below, Cass’s only goal is survival. That is, until she finds a job on the airship Daedalus as a diver. Now she explores ruined cities, looking for treasure and people’s lost heirlooms until a young man hires her to find the impossible: a way to eradicate the Mist.

Theodore Winchester is a member of one of the Five Families that rule the skies. Following in his father’s footsteps, he searches for the source of the Mist and hopes to stop the purges used to control overpopulation. But what he finds are horrifying secrets and lethal ambition. If he continues his quest, it could mean his own death.

The Mist is rising and soon the world will be enveloped in its deadly embrace, turning what’s left of humanity into the undead.

Titel: ¨Her Crown of Fire | Serie: Molten Crown #1 | Forfatter: Renee April | Genre: YA Fantasy | Udgivelse: 3. August

In the dull, everyday world, seventeen-year-old Rose Evermore struggles to plan beyond her final year of high school. But when fire suddenly obeys her every command and her dreams predict the future, she becomes hungry for more of this strange power.

Under her dreams’ guidance, Rose lands in the fantasy realm of Lotheria–with a tagalong. Tyson, her best friend since childhood, winds up there with her, just as confused and a hell of a lot more vulnerable. In Lotheria, Rose is welcomed and celebrated as a fire mage at the Academy, while the very un-magical Tyson is forced into hiding under threat of death from the headmasters of Rose’s new school.

As Rose’s talent in fire magic draws unwanted attention and Tyson struggles to transition from high school student to blacksmith, Rose must find a way to return Tyson to their own world before the headmasters discover and execute him–no matter the cost.

Titel: Our Broken Earth | Serie: – | Forfatter: Demetria Lunetta | Genre: YA Dystopia | Udgivelse: 1. August

In the near future, the tides are rising, the weather is out of control, and the rain is poison. Mal lost his family in a storm and now lives with other young people, trying to survive the changing world. Faced with the threat of the rising water and his friend’s illness, Mal and his makeshift family must travel across the country to reach a safe place. But the road is dangerous and not all will find their way safely to their new home.

Titel: A Terrible Fall of Angels | Serie: Zaniel Havelock #1 | Forfatter: Laurell K. Hamilton | Genre: Urban Fantasy, Angels | Udgivelse: 17. August

Angels walk among us, but so do other unearthly beings in this brand new series by #1 New York Times Bestselling author Laurell K. Hamilton.

Meet Detective Zaniel Havelock, a man with the special ability to communicate directly with angels. A former trained Angel speaker, he devoted his life to serving both the celestial beings and his fellow humans with his gift, but a terrible betrayal compelled him to leave that life behind. Now he’s a cop who is still working on the side of angels. But where there are angels, there are also demons. There’s no question that there’s evil at work when he’s called in to examine the murder scene of a college student—but is it just the evil that one human being can do to another, or is it something more? When demonic possession is a possibility, even angelic protection can only go so far. The race is on to stop a killer before he finds his next victim, as Zaniel is forced to confront his own very personal demons, and the past he never truly left behind.

The first in a new series from the author of the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series.